Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Lunch & Learn for May

"Visual Reasoning:

Visual Interfaces for Logical Reasoning” 
Presenter:  Bram van Heuveln
Lecturer, Department of Cognitive Science, RPI

Bram van Heuveln
Friday, May 10
12noon to 1pm
Fischbach Room

Systems of symbolic representations such as found in mathematics, science, and logic, allow us to solve problems we could not solve with our brain alone. Thus, language can be seen as a tool to make us smarter. However, some tools may be a better fit to our brain than others.

Bram van Heuveln will present two interfaces for learning logical reasoning that are more visual, and thus potentially more effective, than the standard linear algebraic expressions taught in a typical course on logic.
Bram is also the Assistant Director of Rensselaer Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (RAIR) Lab and Director of Minds and Machines.

Adrienne Birchler
Friends of the Folsom Library